Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Product Review: Daiya Jack Style Wedge Cheese
Daiya, the vegan shredded cheese geniuses, came out with a new line of wedge style cheeses not too long ago. I got the jack style wedge from Vegan Essentials. Honestly, I was never a fan of jack cheeses when I ate dairy, but I thought I'd give this vegan version a try. I tried a piece raw and it had a really strong flavor that hit my tongue. I wouldn't recommend just slicing off a piece and eating it. I melted some on a Boca patty the other day for lunch and I really enjoyed that. Much better when melted. It melted really well - much, much better than some vegan cheeses tend to do. That strong flavor subdued a bit once it was melted too. Also, I freeze most of my vegan cheeses because I don't get around to using them quick enough usually, and the Daiya wedge freezes nicely just like their shredded varieties. Freezing it didn't effect its taste or melting capabilities. Overall, I'd be open to try the chedder wedge for things like sandwiches. Not sure if I would personally like the havarti style. The new wedges are nothing too ground breaking, but it's always nice to see new vegan products coming out.
I tried the cheddar style cheese and ate it straight up on a cracker. I'm completely serious when I say that THIS PRODUCT is the missing link to me becoming completely vegan... I needed a raw cheese that didn't taste fake- and here it is!! love, love, love it!!!